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Peter Shyu

Biotechnology Specialist

“Everyone that I work with is as brilliant as they are hardworking. To be surrounded by such driven people in the workplace has been nothing short of inspiring.”

How was Japan in reality to what you had imagined before you arrived?

Japan has generally been within what I had imagined it to be, since I have previously visited the country for leisure. However, living the day-to-day here has given me a chance to experience and understand the culture on a much deeper level. Even after having been somewhat accustomed to life in Japan, there are still plenty of pleasant surprises that *keep* things exciting.

How would you describe co-workers when you arrived?

Everyone I work with is as brilliant as they are hardworking. To be surrounded by such driven people in the workplace has been nothing short of inspiring.

Do you feel like you're having an impact directly on the clients that you work for?

Yes. Knowing that the clients are relying on our analysis to help them with their goals, one naturally feels compelled to provide the clients with the best advice. When the clients ultimately achieve their goals, it also gives us a feeling of personal success and fulfilment.

What is the best thing about being a part of a global team?

Since everyone comes from a different background and culture, you need not look far to get a fresh perspective on things- whether work-related or otherwise. Getting to know different people and their stories is a fantastic opportunity to broaden one's horizons.

When I am not at work, I...

am lounging at home or in a café with a good read, or walking along the Okawa river. Otherwise, I'd be visiting new places within and around Osaka.

What are the challenging or difficult aspects of your work?

The transition from research/academia to the field of intellectual property was quite a challenge, especially at the early stages. While a research position tends to focus on one "area of expertise", working at the Firm requires one to quickly learn and be familiarized with topics and inventions that may very well be outside of that "area of expertise". Also, since each case is unique, one must carefully analyze the situation to provide the best advice to the clients, all while meeting the requisite deadlines.

What were the initial difficulties of adjusting to life in Osaka?

Definitely the language barrier. Something as trivial as getting a train pass or setting up a delivery can be quite challenging when you can't effectively express your thoughts. While this has undoubtedly led to some awkward and funny moments, I personally think that it's all part and parcel of what makes staying in Japan interesting.

I am looking forward to experience ...

Staying at a ryokan in the countryside. going on a ski trip in Northern Japan, and visiting Okinawa.

What is the most important thing that working at SY has taught you about yourself?

That I can do more things than what I thought possible, if I pushed my limits and had more confidence in myself.

What have been your 3 fondest leisure experiences in Japan?

1. Soaking away at an outdoor hot spring.
2. Leisurely strolls under the cherry blossom trees and autumn foliage.
3. Trips to Fukui, Wakayama and Shiga to take breather from the city life.

What's been your proudest professional moment since working here?

It was not too long after having started, and there was one case wherein the client had requested for our advice on how to address issues that I was not very familiar with. Fortunately, I had my seniors in the team to guide me on how best to approach the task at hand. After a hard-fought battle with the Examiner, I remember feeling an inexplicable sense of relief and excitement to learn that the case had proceeded to allowance. It was a good reminder that effort eventually pays off.

What advice would you give to a potential new colleague?

You are only ever truly limited by your willingness to learn. Be open to listening to others, as each person you work with can offer something to help you improve. Also, keep yourself centered and motivated in whichever way works best, as this will help push you forward when things get challenging.

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